Tuesday 18 September 2012

Number 101. Learning to Fly.

Learning to Fly.

It matters not how hard I try,
I’ve found I simply cannot fly;
My first attempt was out of bed;
Landing firmly on my head!

In trying to take to the air,
The next attempt was from my chair.
Maybe I was still too small,
As all I really did was fall.

Perhaps I need to wait a bit;
With bigger arms I’d master it.
My mum has said that I’m not meant,
To fly yet, and to be content.

After all, she pointed out,
I’ve not yet learned to walk about,
And when all is said and done,
Before you fly you need to run.

So for the coming week or two,
I’ll practice what I have to do;
Learn to stand up by myself,
And not by holding on the shelf.

Then I’ll make a little dash,
To Mum while trying not to bash,
Myself on things along the way,
And upright do my best to stay.

After this it should be fine,
To tightrope walk the washing line,
Once I’m confident that high,
Then I’m sure that I could fly.

I’ve seen how easy it can be,
The birds all do it, why not me?
I’m very keen to fly the nest,
Just feed me up, I’ll do the rest!

© Stephen Saunders


  1. Hi Stephen I'm pleased to see your poem a day blog is still going strong, I linked to it from holtieshouse, hope we can get you some more readers, back in the day when I was blogging seriously I would have been pretty sure that would happen but these days I' don't get anywhere near the readers, in fairness...nor do I read as many or as often.
    Keep on rhymin'

    1. Dear Peter

      Many thanks for your message, you can see from the counter below that I have now had over 1,300 hits, but what you can't see is that they come from an interesting collection of countries, all over the place. It's exciting to imagine who might be reading my nonsense!
      I have been contacting schools locally and my nearest one has responded positively, and I am hoping to do some art and writing workshops with the children, and have them upload some drawings, doodles, paintings etc onto a beta version of the blog, to be transferred across eventually. If this works and I can roll it out to a few other schools momentum could increase. There is no reason why schools more distant couldn't have a go, so if you have an enthusiastic teacher amongst your friends I'd be delighted to be put in touch, perhaps after I've experimented with the one round the corner.

      All the best, Stephen.
