Sunday 30 December 2012

Number 128. Pong!


Every now and then we get,
The smell of something very wet.
It comes into the living room,
As musty as an ancient tomb;
A mouldy, almost rancid smell,
And pungent, like manure as well.
And though it reeks, as I have said;
A smell you wouldn’t want in bed,
Or anywhere too close to hand,
You’d ask someone to have it banned,
If it was possible to do,
It isn’t quite as bad as poo…
The smell is mostly like a bog,
Since what it is, is soggy dog!

© Stephen Saunders 


  1. Your target 365 is looking very shaky Stephen

  2. A lot of things have got in the way recently, and I wouldn't argue with you on that, but there's still 114 days left I think, so 2 a day will wrap it up! New year, new energy. (I may be kidding myself of course!)
